Monday, April 2, 2007

What I love about Stacia

One of the things I love most about Stacia is how much she loves stuff. When we were first married she sent me a link to my email address, when she was supposed to be working, of conversion vans painted with the likeness of Stevie Nicks. She deemed this as awesome. I deemed it as awesome because of how awesome she deemed it.

Shortly after, Stacia discovered Leslie Hall. Leslie Hall began with a website all about gem sweaters. The main question was: is this a joke, or is this for real? And the answer is: it's both.

Not but two years after discovering the gem sweater web site did Stacia discover that her (what became) idol, Leslie Hall started a rap group called Leslie and the Lys, singing about her gem sweaters, her gold leme pants and her awesomeness.

So I'm riding the bus last Friday, doing what I love to do most when I'm riding the bus--reading the Stranger. And what do I see in the Stranger? Leslie and the Lys are playing at El Corazon.

So I get home and tell Stacia, "Break your plans for Sunday, we're going out."

We get to El Corazon, and Stacia still has no idea what we're doing there. I kept it a surprise.

She asks as we're waiting in line for beer, "Why's everyone dressed so weird?" and I let her know what we're there for. She literally gasps.

A local group called Team Gina opens up. They're awesome and we laugh our asses off.

Later that night Leslie comes on stage and, well. I'll just let you watch. Check it out here.

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